Thursday, June 09, 2005


Well seeing as I am this web contraption I obviously confrom to certain stereotypes, and one of them is that I like Star Wars a bit more than an average person. Needless to say I have seen the new film, which in my opinion was the best of a bad why am I saying this? Because a friend of mine defends that awful piece of tripe as being "good" a statement I feel verges on the insane. The only redeeming thing about that film is the fact that Lucas does not have to bother with a plot and merely has to lead up to what happened in the first film (THE GOOD FUCKING FILMS). As such we have no shit about trade federations and tax...or boring boring stuff about clones (for all those Boba Fett freaks)

Simply put he could have filmed it with turds and it still would be ok becasue it leads to the first film. Of itself it simply has no merit. But some lunatics disagree...and I thought she was sane. Technicolour vomit that it was.


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