Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Publishing Day

Well tomorrow is my deadline for my final copy...
So Joe get the percalator ready...and yes I know I should be working...

And because I should be working I cannot.

Facts: Lion bars have no lion in them in fact the only tenous link is a rather pathetic picture of a lion on the wrapper. It is not manfacutred by lions, which would be an ardous process I imagine as they lack thumbs. It is not consumed by lions , http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/2212453.stm, and so in fact a lion bar at all...one shitty image a lion bar does not make.

How evil is that...on a plus note I know the daughter of the bars inventor and I am sure he is disgusted at the abuse his beautiful morish morsel has suffered at the hands of PR and marketing.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Thought of the week

Is the person you fell in love with the same person you fall out with...

Where have you gone

Well a few days have passed and I have been a busy bunny. Things of note...smoking more. Some deadlines have gone. Got a new game, Band of Brothers or what not. Looking forward to travel...thinking lots. Too much...Other deadlines are looming...

Lazy old fart that I am.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Films and bang bang

The pornography of violence. I have often wondered why the depiction of violence occurs in films, for strictly speaking there is no need for its depiction. Same as there is no need to depict violence in the real world then so too there should be no need to insert it into the reality of a film.
Put simply violence is a primitive response or a balletic response and as such is a purely physical act, and should remain as such. A rooted event that is both real to instigator and target, and visible only to those who are privy to its intimacy, for whatever reason.

What cinema does by depicting violence is stylise this event to an event that is no longer objective, vis-à-vis those involved, but is instead retarded to the subjectivity of the directors’ eye. An action that ultimately reduces the reality of violence that is something not pleasant but to a pornography that is either enjoyable or loathsome depending on your subjective stance.
Initially violence was even more of a taboo in cinema then even sex and nudity, acts that in truth were quite readily available from the very outset but then sex is inherently subjective and as such it is less objectionable. It took Luis Bunuel and his graphic Un Chien Andalou to thrust into the viewers’ eye the question of violence but even then this was a surrealist challenge intended only for cultural elites. However Hollywood appropriation quickly reduced this challenge into a mainstream deluge of mediocre and exploitative drivel with little substance. Cest la vie, nespa?

-the above is a work in progress extract for a magazine essay I am working on

Deadlines looming

Funnily enough there are several deadlines looming at large in my life at present and they are fast accelerating toward me. Fear and trembling is the trite line I feel compelled to use but also hate tinges my thoughts. Which is odd but understandable for often we are powerless.

And so my thought of the week is the following
"Circumstance qualifies reality and our acts are rooted in the capricious whims of the winds"

Of mice and men indeed.


Wel thats it ESPN etc etc has lost me. After crashing again on a new copy on a new memeroy card. I am getting rid of the damn thing any ideas as to what I should get are warmly welcome...

In other news getting horrbily drunk today and have a lovely bottle of whisky all lined up as well as a selection of lovely CD's (all new) to listen to. Should be bliss.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Good god how I love/hate this game. Yet again it crashed on me, after a long days work I look forward to turning it on and playing a game, for in spite of the fugly graphics it is a better and more fun game then the NHL2005 offering. But for the third time now it crashed on me, the firts time was the worst as it occured in the post season and resulted in a loss of everything up to then, including over three months worth of games. But I grit my teeth and started again only for the damn thing to crash as I attempted to change lines, and now yesterday as it simply loaded up for a face off.
Damn you to hell Sega, first you quit making consoles and now you start making shit. Now if only it werent such a fine game.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Well seeing as I am this web contraption I obviously confrom to certain stereotypes, and one of them is that I like Star Wars a bit more than an average person. Needless to say I have seen the new film, which in my opinion was the best of a bad bunch...now why am I saying this? Because a friend of mine defends that awful piece of tripe as being "good" a statement I feel verges on the insane. The only redeeming thing about that film is the fact that Lucas does not have to bother with a plot and merely has to lead up to what happened in the first film (THE GOOD FUCKING FILMS). As such we have no shit about trade federations and tax...or boring boring stuff about clones (for all those Boba Fett freaks)

Simply put he could have filmed it with turds and it still would be ok becasue it leads to the first film. Of itself it simply has no merit. But some lunatics disagree...and I thought she was sane. Technicolour vomit that it was.


I went to a gig recently and everyone was busy clicking away with their phones. It was depressing, even the singer was cursing the rudeness of the audience and their fucking gadgets.

Its all a bit Pete Tong

God despair. How often do I wake up and ask myself what is going on in my life, what? It seems as if control is arbitary and not of any use, for random phenomena take a hold of us and the other human being is always a mystery to be feared and loved.

All the while though memory clouds us and haunts us, searing the heart with regret. Maybe I should not have woken up, and sometimes I dont bother but then only sadness crushes my heart and I feel as if I might die, there and then.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Ahh today I recieved an email that said ... Something that made me smile. And also I entered the web (again, fucking Angelfire having decided to delete the entirey of my old page of many years).
Its odd I was spurred on by my ex's site, and by a friend of mine using this as a vent for his poems and ramblings. Which I suppose is the interwebs purpose, as well as providing porn for the masses and gamblig opportunities for the despairing.

So hello cruel world I hate you.